2-Hole Thread Bracket Assembly
Handle socket fits all 1-1/4″, 1-1/2″ or 1-3/4″ threaded extension handles
Handle socket fits all 1-1/4″, 1-1/2″ or 1-3/4″ threaded extension handles
Having a sales rep that is knowledgeable and ready to help me accomplish my companies goals is why I do business with National Capital.
NatCap always has what I need, the right spec. in stock with so many different products. From temp tape to lutes to No Parking signs and the certs to comply w the project requirements.
Excellent customer service and Bobbie is a great sales rep. Everything is smooth and seamless when dealing with him & Nat Cap.
Having a sales rep that is knowledgeable and ready to help me accomplish my companies goals is why I do business with National Capital.
NatCap always has what I need, the right spec. in stock with so many different products. From temp tape to lutes to No Parking signs and the certs to comply w the project requirements.
Excellent customer service and Bobbie is a great sales rep. Everything is smooth and seamless when dealing with him & Nat Cap.
Having a sales rep that is knowledgeable and ready to help me accomplish my companies goals is why I do business with National Capital.